About Us

Our Mission

To minimize medical risk at events so you can MAXIMIZE the awesome

We love seeing people get out of their comfort zone, try something new, or come together as a family to create memories. Your events create the space for people to do that and we’ve seen some MAXIMUM awesome moments at those events through the years. Overcoming fear, epic feats of strength, and even a T-Rex doing a cannon ball into a water obstacle! (Go ahead, try to picture that one.) Our mission is to support you in creating those moments.

Our Vision

To live a life that honors the fallen

Life, love, and loss have taught us to live life to the fullest. We honor the fallen by not taking our time for granted and supporting you to do the same. So do the things you’ve been talking about doing. Don’t wait. Dream big, go big, we got you. We may be a medical provider, but our true vision is to help people “send it” and cross off those bucket list items. Every event, every team, every person we can help have a successful experience let us collect rad points. The more rad points we collect, the more rad we can give back! And we truly believe the more rad there is in this world, a better world it becomes.

Our Brand

An extension of our mission, our vision and who we are

If you haven’t picked up on it yet, you might find a hint of sarcasm throughout Immersion Medical Services. Its because that’s just who we are. In honoring one of our core values, radical transparency, we come to you as we are. Serious has a time and place, but we believe fun does too. Don’t let our ridiculous sunglasses fool you, we bring years of service in the medical field to the table.  We create an organized and coordinated approach to event medicine that acts as the solid SOP platform for your shenanigans. We are serious-ish. We are a small, tight knit, but nationwide group that treats each other like family. We honor each other with sarcastic humor and an ethic of extreme ownership. (And cocktails.)
